have been so intense for him with upcoming plans for a 30th year teaching kungfu anniversary that he needs to clear out of town each chance he gets. This time, we escaped to a favorite spot in the mountains ...good ol' Asheville! My pockets were kind of empty and so I did almost no hunting for precious bits to add into jewelry, but I couldn't resist a table that was set up in the town park square by the local mineral society. ...Imagine rough Australian opals in deep purples and turquoises and magenta winking seductively, begging to come home with me. How could I resist? Then, imagine me early Sunday morning, wading in ankle deep water, foraging for shiny pebbles in a local creek! Of course I filled my pockets! I am so excited about all the raw stones I brought home with me.
My Sweetie scored too, as he made a connection with a long-time acquaintance that lives up there and they are planning to meet frequently and do some training together. LOL!!! ...Next time we go, I bring my mesh beach shoes and some more money!
I just finished another piece that was done as a commission. Another stone lover wanted to wear one in a necklace and impress her grand-babies. Her beautifully colored stone has a pattern in it that resembles a face.